GLWD Address Directory

The customer is a Non Profit organisation in New York. Their primary function is to supply food to those who are in need and who cannot buy or cook their daily food.

The customer has an ecommerce site running on Shopify through which they sold handwritten ecards to their customers. The customers had to manually type the recipient addresses every time they used the system. Cards were ordered via the system, but recipient addresses and payments were manually handled. There were many email exchanges between the admin and the customers. The report that needed to be generated for fulfilment was a tedious task.

The spagylo team developed a solution with the following features

  1. Customers can manage previous year’s addresses as well as create new ones for future re-use

  2. Seamless integration of the address re-use system with the existing online portal purchase flow

  3. Return address feature for any cards that could not be delivered

  4. A console to manage customers, their emails, customer id generation, sort ids assignment along with simple search

  5. Email based One Time Password authentication

  6. A few cards which were available on email only request were made available online with option to select from multiple designs

  7. One time load of all the existing addresses into the system

  1. Node Js

  2. React Js

  3. Shopify

  4. Amazon SES

  5. Heroku

This made the re-use of repeat addresses simple for customers who regularly send holiday cards to their friends, family and colleagues. Around 50% of the time spent by the site admin in sending previous year's addresses by email and in manually accepting cheques will be saved.