The Challenge
The customer is involved in the manufacture and sales of electrical and electronic products and systems used in a broad range of applications.
The Challenge
Salesforce was in use, but the last implementation was done 5 years back. There was a lot of overlap on the scope of workflows and process flows that were being used. The business changed over the years and there is a huge area that needs automation. Purchase and Sales is one such area where a lot of change has happened in the recent years.
The Solution
The Spagylo team proposed a 2 month process study and re-design phase where the existing processes were analyzed. Most of the processes were not well documented. In those cases, reverse engineering was used to document them. The team identified areas where automation is required and where the most benefits can be reaped. The team built a set of 18 Workflows and Process Flows that were identified. Overlapping process flows were built as smaller chunks and then they were re-purposed to use with the existing flows thereby removing duplicate logic. An alert mechanism was set up to alert the admins when the process related statistics cross a set threshold limit. Specific profiles were created to manage the processes and roles to control access to department specific flows. Logging was enhanced to identify failed processes, the reasons for failure etc. To minimize conflicts on frequently/most used objects the timing of the automation runs were adjusted. The client team was trained to manage the system on a daily basis. A support plan was also put in place to provide ongoing technical support to the client team.
Technology Stack
Process Builder
Flow Builder
The Results
The number of business processes that were automated rose by 22% and the number of failed processes per month reduced by 15%. Effort spent on maintenance of the automated flows was reduced due to the re-design combined with enhanced logging and alert mechanism.